Tuesday, March 22, 2005

You can take a boy out of the city...

I've been consumed recently by political stuff; mostly the Terri Schivo issue that I've concluded is a huge embarrassment to the United States government and its leaders. Perhaps I'm more politically conscious, but I can honestly say this is the first time I'm ashamed to be represented by the current government. I shan't write on it again but what I will say is that using the misfortune and heartache of an American family to push a religious and political agenda is sad and disturbing and not part of my Art of Living.

Not to be absolutely certain is, I think, one of the essential things in rationality.
--Bertrand Russell

Other than that, what's been on my mind recently is my future. I've now been accepted by two of my three graduate schools, with the third still in limbo. After thinking about it at length, if the choice does come down to William & Mary and U. of South Florida I'm leaning toward the latter. Although W&M has been my first choice for a long time, I have to get over the whole prestige kick that I've been on and wake up. It would be silly of me to choose an institution JUST because it is more prestigious than another. While W&M is older and more "traditional", I feel that I would have more opportunity at USF and almost a guaranteed chance to study the Maya and perhaps go back to Central America. There are no Mayanists at W&M at all and thus a very slim chance that I would get to work down there for my master's. As a result, I should choose the school that would be better for my future overall. Besides, the hard part is over. I've been accepted to a program above undergraduate, and it seems that much less emphasis is placed on WHERE I get my master's versus the quality or relevance of my work in terms of going on to a doctoral program. Simply put, brand names aren't important in post-undergraduate academia.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost

The real issue that's eating at me is what I'm going to be leaving if I end up in Tampa. I have grown to love Wilmington as my home and the place that has shaped me into the person I am now. The town has provided me with so much that I almost feel guilty leaving it, like I used it for four years and now I'm abandoning it. But I know that's not true, because a part of the Port City will be with me always. I've have learned that I almost have to live near a large body of water. Wilmington has the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic Ocean. I've gotten used to the feeling that I'm literally on the edge of the world. It's comforting to know that if things get too much, I can jump off and swim into the sunset where nobody is. It's nice to have an escape plan like that.

I'm also leaving one of the few things in my life right now that really does matter, when all is said and done. I was prompted to write this entry because I made the decision that when I move away, I'm not ready to move on. I value the moments we have now because they give me the opportunity to be free and escape from a universe that is too often centered around me. When I'm fourteen hours away such a connection is much harder but I'm not willing to let it go right now. Being apart, while hard, is going to make me stronger and motivate me to continue my quest to de-center myself from reality and realize that I'm not the only important person after all. She helps me do that on a regular basis and it is that that I'm going to miss the most.

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